Aug 7, 2022

Remember when folks would drive down the road with their dog’s head sticking out of a window?  How about someone driving with the dog in their lap? These people love their pets, but it is not safe for the pet in one case… and the pet and everyone else driving by in the other example.  So, what is a safe way to drive around with a pet?  On long trips and short trips, it is possible to keep our furry friends safe.

There are a number of vehicle accessories you can purchase like belts, car seats, and carriers that will secure your pet and keep them comfortable.  Remember, your pet – be it a dog or a cat, needs room to turn around while riding in a pet carrier or similar enclosure. It is also good to remember these popular enclosures, if not restrained, will slide across the seat, annoy any other passengers and the pet will not be thrilled either. A small pet carrier might fit nicely behind one of the front seats and be secure in the footwell. But, not much of a view down there….so, if you won’t like it, Fluffy or Fido won’t either. 

One thing you can be certain of is that pets love fresh air just like people do, and you shouldn’t leave yours inside a parked car, even if just for a short errand. Temperatures can rise to dangerous levels quickly, especially in Florida, putting your pet at risk of heat stroke or brain damage. Many experts say, “Never leave your dog alone in a parked car. It is a safety concern at temperatures higher than 70°F or lower than 35°F.” However, in some states it is actually illegal and can result in a ticket. In other cases, a passersby may decide to break your window, if they think they are trapped inside.

Long trips might require you take the pet’s medical records and licensing documents. This is especially true of our Canadian friends, travelling back south for the winter. And, make sure your pet is chipped or has a collar with a tag, in case you get separated during your journey.

Many pet owners have a whole travel kit that includes favorite treats, water, food, medication, and toys. Bringing a little bit of home to strange places.

Short or long trips with pets can be pleasant.  It just might take a little planning and preparation. 

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